" Socially, emotionally, and physically empowering health
through connected experiences!"
through connected experiences!"
Our mission: To socially, emotionally, and physically empower health through connected experiences!
Focusing 3E Health on the relationship between our social, emotional, and physical self is where we find connection or disconnection. Helping see these connections or disconnections within ourselves is where the journey begins. The ownership of one's responsibility to control the choices and decisions we make is where self-awareness starts. Karen Janzen and Chad Oatway have developed the 3E Health Components to amplify the connection experiences of social, emotional and physical health. |
3E Health Components
3E Health examines Social, Emotional, and Physical health in smaller components as defined below:
Components of Social Health:
5. Medical and Healing Connections: Safe family, friends, social circles, and healthcare professionals where thoughts, feelings and goals can be shared.
6. Emotional Literacy: Level of ability to identify and develop emotions, listen & empathize with others, and express emotions productively.
7. Mood and Attitude Development: Self-awareness how emotional patterns affect ongoing moods, influencing the attitude toward life events.
8. Psychological Fitness: Practicing meditation, gratitude, affirmations, positive self talk, self-compassion, reflection, etc.
Components of Physical Health
9. Medical and Healing Services: Appropriately accessing medical and/or alternative health services for the maintenance and repair of the body.
10. Food and Drug Literacy: Knowledge and confident decision making around what’s going into the body, where it came from, how it affects the body and why its being consumed.
11. Physical Literacy: Motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to engage in a variety of physical activities.
12. Physical Fitness, Sports, & Activity: Increasing skill in the Components of Physical Fitness, while staying active with enjoyment of sport and physical activity.
13. Outdoor Play: Daily time and experiences in natural spaces, engaging all the senses, rejuvenating the mind, and developing physical skills in nature.
14. Rest and Sleep: Active management of daily/weekly/monthly sleep routines to allow the body adequate rest & repair.
Components of Social Health:
- Social Literacy: Listening, empathizing, and connecting with others; appropriately communicating thoughts feelings and needs.
- Digital Citizenship: Effective management of screen time; critical assessment of digitally sourced information; respectful digital communication.
- Family, Peer, School, & Community Relationships: Effective connection & engagement with family, peers/colleagues, school and community.
- Intimate Relationships: Meaningful relationships with close friends/family that are built on mutual trust, goals, equality and personal growth
5. Medical and Healing Connections: Safe family, friends, social circles, and healthcare professionals where thoughts, feelings and goals can be shared.
6. Emotional Literacy: Level of ability to identify and develop emotions, listen & empathize with others, and express emotions productively.
7. Mood and Attitude Development: Self-awareness how emotional patterns affect ongoing moods, influencing the attitude toward life events.
8. Psychological Fitness: Practicing meditation, gratitude, affirmations, positive self talk, self-compassion, reflection, etc.
Components of Physical Health
9. Medical and Healing Services: Appropriately accessing medical and/or alternative health services for the maintenance and repair of the body.
10. Food and Drug Literacy: Knowledge and confident decision making around what’s going into the body, where it came from, how it affects the body and why its being consumed.
11. Physical Literacy: Motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to engage in a variety of physical activities.
12. Physical Fitness, Sports, & Activity: Increasing skill in the Components of Physical Fitness, while staying active with enjoyment of sport and physical activity.
13. Outdoor Play: Daily time and experiences in natural spaces, engaging all the senses, rejuvenating the mind, and developing physical skills in nature.
14. Rest and Sleep: Active management of daily/weekly/monthly sleep routines to allow the body adequate rest & repair.
From Self Awareness to Connected Life Experiences